Saturday, 4 October 2008

Just in Case...

So it turns out that most people do not know too many Supreme Court cases other than Roe v Wade and even in that case most people have no clue what Roe (pro-choice) and Wade (pro-life) stood for. Fortunately, most people are not running for public office, unfortunately Sarah Palin is. So here is a good Wiki link for everyone to the most important Supreme Court decisions (she might want to look into the following Alaska Supreme Court case just in case she can't see the US Supreme Court cases from her house...). Joe Six Pack Americans should have enough pride in their own history to know more than Palin does about the country (forget world) she lives in.

Just to name a basic few: Brown v Board of Education (desegregation of schools); Miranda v. Arizona (anyone who has ever watched Law and Order should know about Miranda rights); Romer v Evans (gay rights); Hustler Magazine v Falwell (i.e., the People vs Larry Flynt); US v Nixon (President is not above law, ok, maybe Republicans forget this one a lot). If nothing else she should have been able to invoke Edwards v Aguillard (which voted against the teaching of Creationism), Gonzalez v Carhart (on partial-birth abortion), and the recent DC v Heller (which reinforced Second Amendment rights... ermm, that's the one about guns Palin).

By the way, for all those people still blathering on about how Palin's complete lack of experience (much less basic knowledge) should be read as a virtue, they should be reminded that it's not necessarily the best idea to let people with no training undertake a job that they do not understand. There's a reason WHY Joe Six Pack isn't President. Case in point: remember what happened to Homer Simpson's millionaire brother when he lets Homer (the ultimate Joe Six Pack) design "The Homer" at a credit-crunch price tag of $82,000? That's change we can't afford!

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